
2013 Book Haul

It’s unthinkable how addictive books are. I waste my free time in different worlds and adventures which an unexplainable sensation emerge in me each time. Only a few people are lucky enough to feel this and I’m glad to be one of those few. :)

I always find myself having a good time in being alone at bookshops and browse and rummage through its voluminous shelves as I gander for new adventures. So for this blog post, I want to share to all of you my book acquisitions for 2013. But I bet this is not all because I haven’t kept track of what I bought for the first few months and I’m pretty sure there’ll be new additions in the weeks to come. :D

So without further ado, here’s the list of my new books:

1.       A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff – Php 115.00 | Booksale

--- Honestly, this book is a bit expensive because I bought it from Booksale. But the thing is, the cover is super cute and after reading the summary, I fell in love right away that I just can’t let it go. So I bought it even if it’s expensive for a second hand book. Mehe~ By the way, 3 chapters left and I’ll finish reading this! I’ll do a review on this. :)

2.       Irish Lace by Andrew M. Greeley – Php 30.00 | Booksale
3.       At Weddings and Wakes by Alice McDERMOTT – Php 30.00 | Booksale

4.       FLORENCE (Spiral Guide) –Php 40.00 | Booksale
--- I’m in love with Italy and its arts and culture! In fact, it’s included in my bucket list of countries to visit. I want to familiarize and learn as much as I can about it before actually visiting the place. :))

5.       Colour Scheming by Carolyn Warrender –Php 115.00 | Booksale
6.       The Country Home – Php 90.00 | Chapters & Pages Corp. (Trinoma)

7.       Lady Cottington’s Pressed Fairy Book – Php 510.00 including shipping fee |
--- You know how much I love fairies so when I saw this online, I bought it immediately. I used my blogging money in buying this so thank you everyone who’s reading my blog. Hehe. I’ll do a review on this as well. :D

8.       A place of Secrets by Rachel Hore –Php 50.00 | Booksale

9.       The True Memoirs of Little K by Adrienne Sharp –Php 115.00 | Booksale
--- It’s expensive for a second handbook but I just can’t resist!!! It’s about a ballerina and her life and the Russian Court and the Russian Theater! Like, seriously, who will not buy it?!!! Haha. Oh my gosh, I’m so lucky to find this book. I shall do a review on this as well.

10.       Sabrina The Teenage Witch: Switcheroo – Php 10.00 | Booksale
11.       Sabrina The Teenage Witch: I’ll Zap Manhattan – Php17.00 | Booksale
 --- Childhood Memories! I’m collecting this actually. :D

12.       Nothing Hurts but my heart by Linda Barr –Php 10.00 | Booksale
---Gymnastics is very close to my heart aside from ballet. I’m a frustrated gymnast so I just have to have this book! :D

13.       Lizzie Mcguire: Totally Crushed – Php 25.00 | Booksale
---Childhood Memories! Hihi.

13. Sweet Valley High by Francing Pascal - Php 17.00 | Booksale

14. Spring For Susannah - Php 50.00 | Booksale

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  1. nice! your collection has some great books. I like the facts you dont go for those over rated books that everyone talks about. these are some cool tips that I should add to my reading list!

    1. awww. thank you! I do read the over rated books but I like more those which are not known by everyone. It feels like the adventure is mine only. hehe :)

  2. Don't you just love Booksale? A treasure trove for all bibliophiles! Thanks for sharing your book finds, I might consider some & find a copy of it for to read, too. Thanks again!:*

    1. Hello! I'm a booksale addict. haha. I want to buy every book in there! mehe. you're very welcome! Enjoy reading! Have an awesome day! :D

  3. This are sure interesting book. This is what i need doing at my free period. These days i don't ready have time reading no more because of my tight schedule, I need doing this from now. Thanks ffor sharing these amazing books.

  4. It looks like great books :)
    I'm following you no and I hope you followed me back :)
    Kiss :*


  5. Thanks for your sweet words on my last post, they brightened my day!
    So, so true - books just bring you into another world for a bit!

    Hope you have a fantastic day,

  6. A vintage affair seems like a nice book. Well I agree with you that the book has a nice cover. I 'm a bit intrested in it now. .. hehe I'll wait for yuor review =)

    and omg, that is lizzie mcguire!! I used to watch her show all the time when I was a child!!

  7. Ooh lala! Will definitely be adding to my book list. I'm currently reading "The Defining Decade" (you can search it on my blog). Great blog, great pics!


  8. I have sweet valley high too :))

  9. Great haul of books! Haha, the Lizzie McGuire one made me laugh. Childhood indeed!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  10. I really love to read, so this post has captivated me, really!!!!

  11. Hello :) Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my blog and also thank you so so much for putting my button on your blog :) I am currently working on a page where I can put all the links to my "blog loves" so your button will surely be on that too :)
    I love the books you picked, "The True Memoirs of Little K" is high on my Amazon wishlist :)


  12. i follow you now on bloglovin and hope you will follow back. let me know, if you want to follow on facebook, too. :-)

  13. The fairy book looks so nice! Where'd you get that?! :O
